Victoria’s Secret: Angels and Demons: The Darkness Behind Victoria’s Secret Review

Behind the centre of glamorous male-gaze-oriented Victoria’s Secret angels, lies Epstein’s sex ring scheme. Centering Leslie Herbert Wexner, this docu-series endeavours to uncover the darkest fantasies of American billionaires. Does it work is the question, we’re supposed to ask.

Third Epstein focussed documentary of these last years and I wish they’d have included better interviews and footage as they dragged one episode into three. They mentioned a few names, that see everywhere and interviews with former Victoria’s Secret models to portray their message. One thing that I noticed good about this docu-series is pointing out that Epstein’s “sex ring”, consisting of underage girls and women, was not just about Epstein but it is a massive circle of wealthy men, who ab*sed innocents. Unfortunately, everyone seems to know their names but no one is coming forward.

I think that’s the part i was most annoyed with how almost all the former employees felt ashamed and now trying to downplay the situation. Except for a few of course and the models but sad that this male gaze-oriented sexist world now exists with influencers etc. The docu touched that subject briefly but they could have done much more within three episodes than repeating everything we’ve seen on the news. I’m not reading everything on the news but even I’m aware of all that has happened. I don’t know where these docu-series are going anymore but most likely to stay on the news…

Note: I’ve been taking a mini break from writing reviews but I’m coming back again slowly with documentaries I’ve been watching on the side. So many interesting fast-paced and not well-researched docu-series are coming out this year. So I might insert these in between my regular reviews.

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